Entries are now open for National Dressage Day 2019. National Dressage Day will be held in Spruce Lodge, Redcross, Co. Wicklow on Saturday 4th May 2019.
- Entries may be made directly on the Irish Pony Club Its Plain Sailing page at the following address: http://www.itsplainsailing.com/club/ipc .
Entries will close on Monday 29th April 2019.
For enquiries or queries, please contact Show Secretary Marie Hennessy 087-1348613 hennessy5@eircom.net or Kate Harvey 087-2028997 katherine.younger@dit.ie.
- The Dressage and Combined Training Rule Book is available to download on the IPC website on the Downloads page under the heading Discipline Rule Books.
- Similarly, the Dressage Tests listed for this competition are also available on the Downloads page of the IPC website under the heading Dressage Tests. (Judges score sheets for copyrighted tests must be ordered from Emily Hogan in the IPC shop, shop@irishponyclub.ie).
As per the details noted on the flyer, times will be posted on the IPC website on Thursday 2nd of May.