Area 5 Showjumping Qualifier on 2nd of June

The Area 5 Qualifier for Showjumping and Combined Training will take place in Maryville Stables,Carrigaline on Sunday 2nd of June. All entries for Under12 Alice Mernagh, Robbie Bailey,John Ledingham and Senior teams and individual entries to be made on...

Stable Management Rally 21st of February

We will have our first Rally of 2019 at Kevin and Liz O Meara’s on Thursday 21st of February. It will be a Stable Management Rally and will be most important for all members doing tests this coming year. Please book in online using the following link...

Annual Parents Meeting

The Annual Parents Meeting will take place on November 15th 2018 at O Keeffe’s Bar Main Street Mallow at 8 pm. All parents are encouraged to attend. Thank you